Every attempt has been made to provide current, accurate, and consistent data in this database. There may be some differences due to sources, methodologies, or timing of data-assembly.
Highway Infrastructure
We are situated at the crossroads of several major highways and interstates, six of which converge in Topeka, providing easy access to on and off ramps and to all points in the city. Also, I-70 is the only interstate highway traveling from Topeka west into Colorado. Due to a $2.6 billion comprehensive transportation program, Kansas roads are ranked 4th in the nation in quality. These interstate connections have drawn more than 20 inter-and intrastate carriers to the area.
Rail service is provided by two carriers – Union Pacific, and BNSF Railway. A variety of specialized equipment and services is offered by all carriers.
View full map with legend here.
Kansas City International Airport is less than an hour drive. Two airports in Topeka service local and general aviation. To learn more, click here.
Transportation Maps: